Saturday, August 11, 2012

Day 3 - am I ever gonna get to Canada?

It's not rainy but cloudy and wet. The temps are in 68F or so..,

Here is Stephen King's house

Gotta go, will update the rest tonight...

UPDATE: I'm in Tidal Bore motel in Truro, Nova Scotia - wet again. Well, not as much as I was last night. Did not see sun today at all. I rode without rain gear since all showers were come and go so I had time to dry out... Until 10 miles till Nova Scotia - I thought the shower would end bit started feeling water inside my pants... Took the first exit and put the rain gear over dripping Olympia...

Guess what, the time in Nova Scotia is one hour ahead of us (and it's getting dark here sooner)... So, I checked in the motel at 9:45PM (ours 8:45PM) - had to put clear goggles to see where I'm going...

First motel was packed full and got direction to the one I'm staying right now. I think they either don't have AC here or this motel doesn't have one... But, all is good... The room has a fan I could use to dry my jacket and pants, and underpants, and the tank bag, and gloves and what not...

By the way, here is the picture of my drying experience from last night...

Later that evening I also unpacked and hung the tent and all instead of curtains and armchair cover...

Believe me, it takes time to bring all bags in, unpack, then pack and hang the bags back on bike... It's probably total of 30 minutes of invaluable time...

It was a good day of riding at the end... I covered... 561 miles today, starting at 7:30AM and stopping at... don't remember... about 9:30PM (local, ours 8:30PM)... Rode their "interstaets" with speed limit at 110 km per hour - never even gone to 6th gear... Their highways, the "interprovinces" are pretty much OK, not local highways... But whole lot better than roads in "New England"...

OK, back to the packing... Guess what? I did forgot one thing in the previous motel as I recalled riding today - the camping plastic water can filled with the premium rum... FCUK!!!!!!!!!! Remembered it 100+ miles into the day... Just riding, thinking, having wet dreams, dah....

Nova Scotia does not sell alcohol in gas station as most of free states of the US (not even beer), but in NSLC - don't remember what it stands for, but something like "Nova Scotia Liqueur Commission? Council? Cabinet?" Anyways - there were plenty along the route :)

Canada does not follow US rules for EXIT numbering matching the mileage but numbering them as the come, meaning between exit 11 and 12 is not 1 mile - it could be well 10 miles - some more kilometers...

I rode about 13 hours today, my "behind" got used to it so time came for the wrists, even I used Cruise Control on the "freeways" but they still get the calluses...

Here are some pictures for today, I met a guy at the site, who was here for BLUES festival and warns with NS Dept of Tourism - he gave me some tips and tricks on what to see here and what not...


  1. You could write a book, head ... Easy to read and fun!

  2. Сакеныч, салам ещё раз. Классно. Единственно я это перевожу через возможности твоего блога, а он так коряво с английского переводит....
    А так всё зашибись

  3. Украшенья дома Стивена Кинга прикольные. Трехголовый дракон прям наш Змей Горыныч
